Business cards are cards having business information about a company or individual. They are shared at the time of formal instructions as a convenience and a memory aid. A business card typically have the giver’s name, company affiliation
(usually with logo) and contact information such as street addresses, telephone number(s),fax number, email addresses and websites .Some other information such as telex, bank account, tax code. Normally various cards were simple black on white
stock. Now, professional business card comes with one or more aspects of striking visual design.
We know that business card printing today is pretty fast. Printing machines can even do a simple printing job within a few hours and major jobs within a day. So your business cards should be printed pretty quickly with no apparent errors as long as you pick the correct and modern business card printing company. You do not have to wait a week or a month for them so make sure you do not.
So that is it. With modern business card printing, there are lots of possibilities in terms of design and creation. Consider all of this once you print your business cards.
To feel the “raised print” effect of printing is done through thermograph which is a less –expensive process .Full color cards ,or cards that uses many colors ,are printed on sheet fed process as well. Another side of this printing method is that screened colors will reveal tiny dots. Spot colors should be used for simple cards with line art or non-black type that is smaller than five points
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